
The American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) and The American Society for Health Care Risk Management (ASHRM) of the American Hospital Association (AHA) have announced a new executive director: Elizabeth “Lizzie” Ortolano.
This strategic plan includes three overarching goals:
John Clark West, 72 of Chattanooga, TN passed away on March 28, 2022. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio to the late Clark West, MD, and the late Ruthann West
AHA, AONL, ASHRM statement in response to the conviction of nurse RaDonda Vaught.
In celebration of Health Care Risk Management Week 2022, ASHRM is spotlighting individual risk professionals and the incredible work they do every day.
2022 Call for Leadership Nominations is Now Closed Application Deadline: Tuesday, April 19
ASHRM Academy 2022 April 4-9, Louisville, KY | April-May, Virtual
The ASHRM Diversity White Paper series uses real-world scenarios to illustrate common biases present in health care settings.
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